Yo… Perplexed Epiphany!
Yo… Perplexed Epiphany!

Yo… Perplexed Epiphany!

Love yourself,
Acquire confidence,
We utter boldly
Though a challenging journey,
Easier for an average Joe
Tougher for those whose lives suddenly become low
Victors of brutality;
By man or animal;
Heinous cruelty
Acid survivors,
Burned survivors,
If normal exists, normal life-desires
Disabled, dismembered, deformed subjects
Imagine those words presented to such souls
Life has beauty but sometimes is a trip
I fail to fathom the weight of others’ hardship
My intellect echoes, why, why, these stories unfold
I digress; redirect the subject to road
People living life paying the debt of a stronghold

Isolated perception is keen,
Everything sits differently for different hygiene
Delivery penetrates if drenched in protein
Immaturity shoots out fluorine
Scan atmosphere for candor; not in everyone’s gene
Discern audience for sufficient landing
Every story is not the same,
Some require a high beam

Last names are a pedigree
Diseases vetted medically
Unhealed intellect relinquishes directory
Pain unites through memory
Comprehending is paramount
Prejudicial behavior is an impediment
Seasoned gaslighters infantilize their children
Malcontent folks paint others as a villain

Live life intentionally,
Leaving changed others’ story
Life is in the blood,
Breath is in the lung,
With Most High in the story
Hope for the seasoned and young

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