Who is she?
Who is she?

Who is she?

Who is SHE? Who is she in your life?

A woman of power,
Lady of aplomb
Hated by her kind
Rebuttals less than dime
Kin misinterprets her as a coon
Fetus minds cherry-pick to discredit every afternoon
Smear her name on tables
Oppose her gems on cables
She walks in freedom
Garment herself in wisdom
Possesses in debates,
Statements polarize ignorance in two ways
Not a number game,
Cooks her meals without fame,
Mechanics transportation with disparaging claims
Assertions tear down recyclable rhetoric
A straight shooter with time and heretic
The feeding of feelings pleasures frail minds
Reproof yanks bandage but loosens binds
Not praised for her manner
Many detest her banter
Candidly fail to comprehend her grammar
Instruments satire in front of asinine
Parroting nonsensical statements makes many feel pacified
Why do they loathe her?
All emancipated physically,
Different stations emotionally,
Locked up spiritually,
That’s where the truth stands,
A visitor and prisoner can’t walk uniformly;
Abide distinctly in a penitentiary
Scales in eyes keep them in garbage
Application provides her with acres of cottage
The brutality of her ancestors no longer owns her
Never denies the truth but accepts their labor
One person can die for a million
Millions must pay homage and continue the resilience
Ignorance makes understanding her enemy
As truth shoots freely
The mind of fools hears Swahili

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