Unmasked; now a targeted adversary!
Unmasked; now a targeted adversary!

Unmasked; now a targeted adversary!

Unmasked; a targeted adversary! Unmasked; a targeted adversary!

In a healthy world
Deception holds clear
In the modern world
Lies shift gear
A trained killer is their alias
Military grips their balance
To protect America, sworn in
To spare their lives, fold’n
Plants, we call them
Get close to you to annul your outcome
If you peep game, you are a target
Expose their ways, end your life for a bargain
Manipulate autopsy to fit their narrative
Feed it to the media to stamp false declarative
A homicide printed as suicide
Suddenly you were mentally ill and staged your kill
Shout out to David Crowley – he warned us all
A Grey State is demise and America’s fall
He never took his life,
Only fueled their lies
They seized his life to impede the advice
The public ate it and believed the spies
A calculated society utilizing a device
Islam will be the world religion
Take heed to the transition in Hollywood Pigeons
Pigeons ain’t even real;
Man-made visions.
Operate in conformation bias to exploit division
Jeered sound doctrine to sway position
Inclusion, an instrument for modern-day manipulation
Sacrifice celebrities who refuse their bar
Notice the 25th is the death of your favorite star.

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