The Millennials pt.1
The Millennials pt.1

The Millennials pt.1

My footprints sealed to you
Though I can’t hold hands with you
A sensitive generation
Desensitized to growth
Distraction rules their culture
Deception mixed with ignorance is what they suffer
Confused generation
Sex sales are their admired station
Dreams should form in heads
In this culture,
Formed between legs
Marriage neglected
Baby mamas are more respected
Coo culture in unity
Uniting in impurities
Too callow for disagreements
Confuse insecurities for confidence
Mistakenly equate confidence with cockiness
Inserting foreign objects is the new dominance
Polluted minds missing common sense
Parroting from social media defines their intellect
Before they help you,
Record you,
Capitalizing on charity
Recording for popularity
Views are their news
Likes are now cues
Clout is their addiction
Worshipping views like a benediction
Value defined by numbers
Flaunting psychological scars
Like badges on their arms
No healing just for views
Evidently missing some screws
Toxic is their buzzword
They love to house it
Sex workers are now captains
Utilize pregnancy as a weaponized entrapment
If you reject their movement
Labeled a traducer
Talent has lost its meaning
Imposters are the new screening
Black culture is what they feening
Girls are male-identified
Guys doze hypnotized
Merely when sex and murder stand glorified are they winning
Degrading is now upgrading
If you have self-respect your light starts fading
Businesses are rooted in vanity
Stepping on toes is the new hierarchy
Coming out yo neck is an inspiration to the monarchy
Faking relationships is greetings in Hollywood
Fetus minds influenced by falsehood
An impious nation,
Praying to a created universe for guidance and protection
How could the created be the God of creation 

New Age claims spirituality,
Practice black magic
In little time,
Will face their tragic
Being spiritual is a trend for them
Law of attraction pimpin’ the derange
Music is this ages cocaine
Lethargic in their ways
Facade in portrays
Lack of accountability is their sculpture
Victimology is their pill of pleasure
Having babies is a business to increase pockets
Imagine being told you were only born to bring more profit
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