The Visible Truth – Part 2
The Visible Truth – Part 2

The Visible Truth – Part 2

Who has my vote?

Freedom of religion is paramount in my election. Although I dissent from Trump’s outlandish regards, he has my support for resisting the imposition [the visible truth ] of one world government. I stand by him because he is an ally to citizen freedom. I admire that he is not an instrument of the new world hierarchy! We live in a world where nationals who speak sound wisdom are denigrated and deemed absurd – while the ignorant get credited as honorable

Political parties’ substantial objection to Trump speaks volumes! Democracy is a camouflage to governmental hierarchies; when the elite despise leaders’ one should question the reasoning. Trump has had about 38 attempts on his life thus far.

One world order has been the primary goal; in stages, desensitized and ushered in. Covid was a test trial to rid the impressionable versus resisters/independent thinkers.

Unethical principals conduct a strategy and propose it as a reasonable, curable, and inclusive solution.

For instance: introducing a mark/strategy that will eliminate international poverty, provide security, the future tone, and the art of deception is imminent.

At what expense?

The American government has the means to obliterate poverty – as they usher in one world government, they will suddenly prioritize “morality.” Lucifer and his children control economic perimeters – the designated individuals who print money. The 13 seeds of Lucifer conclude the Illuminati family! Imagine satan favoring humanity, the same ones he torments and slays daily, ha!

A line in progress between ruled versus unruled. Future = marked versus unmarked.

For those who believe one world government is merely a theory, challenge your doubts:

  1. Find a dollar bill & look at the back.
  2. The dollar bill has significant symbols that confirm the ruler of this world.
  3. The pyramid is an allegorical expression of the throne of satan; he sits on top – by the third eye. God is omnipresent; Satan is not; he is not an equal or a rival to God. The eye represents the algorithm of technology that allows him to see and store data on every person who owns technology through cameras, recorded conversations, and digital data.[The all-seeing eye]
  4. The symbol of the beast is 666
  5. School-taught 13 stars represented the 13 colonies ––lie; the 13 stars on the top of the eagle shaped as a hexagram symbolize the spirit of the Antichrist (Amos 5:26). The hexagram on this bill has six[6] sides, six[6] triangle points, and six[6] sides on the inner hexagram. These are the geometric positions of a hexagram; 6 hundred threescores (20×3=60) and 6. (Revelation 13:18
  6. Hexagram: the most effective source of witchcraft and sorcery. The symbol of satan; suggested it represents Jews—- but under that logic, who crucified Jesus? The Jews, under the spirit of anti-Christ
  7. [He] = Satan/ruler of this earth; Annuit cœptis = [he] favors our undertaking/[he] is pleased with our progress thus far Novus ordo seclorum= new secular order

The mark/chip/vaccine/tattoo on the hand or forehead is in progress. Take heed of the trajectory of technology. The economic system is going from cash to digital. This digital system will soon be the mark of the beast. This digital has nanotechnology that will inject into bloodstreams disorganizing and altering DNA. Those who comply will no longer be redeemable; Jesus died for humanity! An altered DNA disqualifies redemption – becoming artificial intelligence mixed with the seed of Nephilim. This mark will circulate in veins giving them access; to control and read minds. Autocorrect will become mental, the future of artificial intelligence!

Dr. Stella Immanuel declared hydroxychloroquine is a cure for covid. The media attempted to discredit her by deeming hydroxychloroquine dangerous. The pharmaceutical company will oppose everyone who challenges their profits through vaccines by keeping people sick! To understand what is going on–– follow the trail of money, not the people!

Oh, but they will imply this is all just a theory, your future, not my destiny!

Mask today, Mark tomorrow!

My primary reason for voting for Trump is because he is keen on slowing and postponing this diabolical Agenda!

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