The Asian Life in America
The Asian Life in America

The Asian Life in America

Stayed silent for Black and Brown
Watched their-own abuse our rights in town
Now speaking up;
Because it reached their home
Locking arms for rights cause it hit their own
Supposed they were exempt
Funny how the tables turn
Not trying to divide
Just denoting their side

Human rights are universal

Protesting has become a performative rehearsal
Healing is alone
Can’t count on others to hold you
Sometimes it’ll be your own
Who’ll wage war and disappoint you
You can stand for your race
And lay killed by their face 

We regularly see Asians as a nail technician

Rarely in a client position
Presumably, cause they see toxicity in business
Assuredly changes vision in decision
They need our hoods to build their business
Without our neighborhood, they’d have no Christmas
A selfless person does not only look for benefits;
Aim for equivalence!
I knew a Korean girl in College––
In question, was against Affirmative Action for her knowledge
“Equality prevents my advantage”
Her verbatim reaction!
Shorty only cared about her satisfaction.

Not all Asians sat in silence

Some genuine souls marched against our violence
Fought for our future in obligation
Along with humility in a heartless nation

Cease vengeance

Not trying to start a race contentious
Proceed with pure intentions
Have the uncomfortable conversations
Reprove all ignorance
Love is the prevention
Silence is compliance
Fake protest is nonsensical
Seize the lesson
Digest the essence
No one is exempt from hate
Equality for all;
Or wait for it to hit your fate

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