Stop me!
Stop me!

Stop me!

Hell Lost Another One

Oil on my head
Can’t no opposition stop me
Carrying the cross
While the past —is behind me
Freedom in Christ
Can’t no chain ever bind me
Marked by the Lord
Can no devil ever stop me
Cease and desist
Unlink from ungodly
Every day is not the best
Still –– divinely
Christ is Commander
Every devil gets behind me
Rooted in the Lord
So the flourish goes beyond me
Life is in Jesus
Can’t no death ever stop me
Enriched with His truth
Can’t no liar ever mock me
Wealthy in the Kingdom
Compromise can’t buy me
The Lord on my side
Gates of hell can’t try me
Meditate on His word
Infirmities never block me
Snatched me from the pit
Can no adversary ever punk me
Hidden in Glory
Enemies walk past me!


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