Soul Ties
Soul Ties

Soul Ties

Picture rockin’ with someone hoping for eternity
Perplexed to find out the bond was insecurity
Laying down summoned drought
Sugar high, midsummer strikeout
Beguiled by sex, the agreement formed an addiction
Wrong soul tie,
Ignorance wrote itself and tempted eviction
Endowing a rollercoaster of unwarranted vexation

Soul ties are romantic and platonic;
Symptoms stand invariably chronic;
More robust than emotional urges from the diabolic

Wounds are a stronghold of convictions;
Unhealed pains become deficiency on missions
Souls stained from releasing to creasing
Foreign exchanged hexes are consciously enclosing

Disney gave folks land to build hope on fiction,
Fallacy portrayals bore vitality via c-section
Unordained soul ties imbalance genetic variation;
Links exchange innocence for obsession
Mind racing, thinking of the unthinkable
Heartbreaking, regretfully inconceivable

Vacancy guided path to another bedroom;
Incognizance mixed with bitterness purchased the perfume
Again, the same tomb
Reputation tarnished in a trial room
Unanticipated life without a bride or a––groom
Another statistic – sex, is becoming a costume

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