Same Story!
Same Story!

Same Story!

Same world
Same story
Different people
Same ignorance they carry
Commenced with Jesus
Society instead submits to Christmas
Reject them when they arise
Next-generation celebrates their resilience against compromise!
After their season, they comprehend the rhythm
Known as conspiracy theorists to the system
Time fast forward, pioneers of wisdom
Call it ugly during pruning
Once the process flourishes evolves to fine-grooming
Failed to concede position
Lack of discernment caused a generational condition.
Blind next to you
Eyes open for the future embryo brewing
Never appreciate what we have
Death has to come to praise the past
Can you identify the issue?
Is it eyes that need cleansing?
Are hearts stagnant in seasons?
Or arrested-development impeding reasons?
Maybe covetousness?
For everyone rising
Be not dismayed by a lack of support
They won’t see your light
They can’t hear your fight
Let time speed up
They’ll understand your might
Even family – can’t understand you’re right
Don’t do it for the people;
Do it for the ripple;
Pass it down to prevent societal cripple

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