One Subject: Pain And Gain
One Subject: Pain And Gain

One Subject: Pain And Gain

Saw a little boy talk about his dead mom
Asked the Lord just why, remain calm
Wishing feelings weren’t physical,
Then I do
If heartbreak was musical,
A fine-tune
Losing a parent is eternal
A soreness soft of maternal
No matter the age
The pain is timeless
Beg God to undo
Erase the moment; please redo
A loss that marks the narrative
Heart will heal
Scars remain skilled
Life sometimes loses sense
Even when it does, it shifts cents
Emotionally unavailable to place
No attachment, refuse maze
Coin flip both ways
A dot in the universe
Suck the world from its hold
Merely thoughts; must decree in bold
Pain unites; celebration divides
Human, pride, and tribe!

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