Now, The Wicked Church
Now, The Wicked Church

Now, The Wicked Church

Now, The Wicked Church, The Wicked Church

Pimps ain’t only in the streets;
They’re behind the pulpit
Some behind the screens
Orchestrating in cockpit
Pimping congregations with prosperity
Selling in the house of God
Alternative events to pay rent
Lack the desire for God
Solicit for their benefits
Utilize His name for advertainment
Proclaim it for engagement
Got a church full of beauty
Leaders are only there on duty
People drowning uniformly
Souls not saved––
In debt, fried, and baked
Pastor living lavish,
Bishop dressed in ravish,
Pope deceiving in Spanish
Push religion, easily controlled
Preach relationship, lose stronghold
We got a church scared of demons
Must be in their dominion
God of Abraham, stronger than dark communion
In their mind, He is sweet
God is a God of love
His wrath is a leak
Deemed you were discreet
Stop playing with God!
Trust, He never misses
Will remove curtains
To expose deceit
Came in the mouth of prophets
501c3, turn ear in fear of losing profit
Some leaders work for the devil
Look and sound like God
Tainting on different levels
Emotionalism as source
Sell dreams one can’t afford
The deceptive don’t hear God
Need discernment to emit the odd

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