This Time Hope Was My Enemy
This Time Hope Was My Enemy

This Time Hope Was My Enemy

I would’ve never thought hope would be my enemy
A battle that was supposed to lead to my destiny
Stuck in blocks of disappointment and bounded balconies
Almost wishing I never hoped to keep my sanity

I know grapes go through beating to produce
Hours of seasonal thrust and perpetual weeding
Withstanding in posture for what’s preceding
I wonder if they complain or believe in the experiment
I guess the journey is similar to character development
Incorrect, I know, deem God is playing with my emotions
Promise one thing but allow the opposite to experiment
Testing my trust by permitting beneficial irritant
The famous course of faith––
The average is below a C cause it demands a wait.

Who would’ve thought hope would be my enemy,

Filled with faith to trust, face a stop in thrust
The stretch of faith produces capacity
Like childbirth, it releases new humanity
Wish I can suit my emotions by not believing
Still––be surprised by a happy beginning
The character of God is not such
He allows adversaries to birth testimonial anniversaries.
Can I go to sleep and wake up to the promises
It feels like God’s hand is slowly addressing my premises
My head knowledge rebuttals my feelings
Heart knowledge confuses time for revealings
Fetched to a place of unmarked territory for meetings
I get swept away,
Holy Spirit marks the display
Resilient hope is good for me
Though perception is confusing me
Confess my feelings despite the discrepancy
He vets my heart to provide transparency
Breaking off my negative tendencies
Rejuvenated; reminded of His seven keys
To bind my enemies and loosen all my specialties

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