Money Buys People, Not Products
Money Buys People, Not Products

Money Buys People, Not Products

Born into this mess
A system we thought could trust
Allow time to question posture
Why am I here
Am I an imposture?
Scientists claim creation was arbitrary;
Spreading a ludicrous flawed story
The self-claimed intelligent say we are gods
Were they present when heaven and earth formed to be at odds?

Can one’s higher self command the sun to stand still?
Crystals, sage, and dead entities
Can these heal the heartaches of centuries
Switch trajectory of tragic
Ain’t got time for nonsensical magic
Living in a world full of human parrots
Parroting lies to convince the puppets
NASA claimed to send men to the moon
Years later, one participant exposed it as media false tune
Resources the world relies on
Dogmatic creation models
Did they create it?
Crazy how scientists use the Scripture as a blueprint
To oppose and feed a false hint
How do you borrow from God to dispute Him
Skip that argument,
What will you do when you die and face the punishment?
During sentencing, will your higher self immune you?
What about spirit guides; can they backroom you?
Who created spirits; unduly deep to pursue?

Copyright all we create
When God does it
We deny the faith
Repudiate that we have a designer
Requires more faith in believing in human intelligence than a diviner
Higher intelligence; the source of all resources
Society believes men visited the moon without substantial evidence
Deny the Bible prophecies as mere coincidence
See the duplicity?
The food of society
Accustomed to cycles
Play lawyer for catastrophic idols
Swindled minds operating in straw man arguments
Apple creates the same phone with minor changes
Sales products with multiplied prices
Just like Nike shoes
Sheep line up as a duty
To buy products as a societal groupie

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