Lethal Street Culture
Lethal Street Culture

Lethal Street Culture

Lethal Street Culture Lethal Street Culture

Street stompers
Street murders
Hinder and sting-like burdens
Marked communities; open portals for violence
Days numbered––ending in silence
What’s division but untamed resilience
For everyone they smoke––
Sniff Coke to stay woke
Believing their immune
Failed to discern circle coon
Next in murder, attached is a moon
The same ones they bleed for will purchase their needle
Hitting 30 is a celebration for this crowd of people
Signing a lease behind bars
Rubbish credit to buy cars
Scamming is a prerequisite for future planning
Adapted violence as a strength
Logic is incompetent for depth
Reprobate mind causing static on wavelength
Music glorifies digression
Cheers causing drift on a generative mission—
Kept in the dark; principalities ordained cognition
Relationship chases broken people
Mesmerized by folks who lack respect and substance
Attached are those who thirst for provision
Hands tied to partners despite logic and reason
Life becomes a person
Engulfed is soul-ties in-n-out of season
Disassociate from sound wisdom
Surrendered all rights of freedom
Comfortable with ignorance, it becomes a badge of tumorous
Under restriction;
Mentally in prison
Streets raise the broken
Streets instill impulsion
Resist these qualities; they don’t make good friends
Name is valued, flat tires of a broken Benz

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