In 1492 Christopher Columbus Made The Nation Into Fools!
In 1492 Christopher Columbus Made The Nation Into Fools!

In 1492 Christopher Columbus Made The Nation Into Fools!

In 1492 Christopher Columbus Made The Nation Into Fools!

A lost man entered a nation
Confused and changed the name of a generation
Wasn’t generous, perhaps envious
Native Americans, he called them Indians
Said he discovered
Was full of ignorance
Not enough—
He fed it to millions
Generated genocide on a land
Him and his dominion 
An Italian explorer “Discovered New World”
Fallacy – never discovered; he was last to America
It was Africans who first voyaged to America
History has shown our bones lay against all land per capita
In American history?
Columbus was lost, sojourned, and invaded as they did Africa
Nothing but a walking replica
Common like the name Jessica 
America celebrates this assassin
Honored him with a day like he was an attraction

Let me pause for a second

Am I reshaping history? 
Is what I believe the truth or another mystery
Some called him a tyrant racist
Others stated he fought against the fascist
He never reached North America
But claimed he discovered this nation
He was chasing gold
Declared to restore Jerusalem from its hold
They believed he befriended the natives
Historical patterns show this is another European corruption
Communists are known for historical perversion
How can we discover the truth from an erroneous interpretation
Some are parroting deceit
Small few share accuracy free of hypocrisy
Unless raw truth
Tampered history should terminate from schools
The history they teach
Ingrained in hate and division
Falsified historiography is uplifting the whites;
Eradicating the highlights
This land did not originate with whites,
It will not end in favor of their fight

In 1492, they said Columbus sailed the ocean blue;
Nah, in 1492, Columbus caved the nation into fools
The evil on indigenes allegedly was led by his settlers
He was dead, claimed he had no skeletons
Nothing new; this is what Europeans do
Take raw history and conceal it with a white crew
Columbus stated that black-skinned folks taught and traded bows and arrows, plus spears,
Mexico has had Olmec heads of rulers in Tres Zapotes for years
Somehow this skipped the transcript in books
Not skipped, erased the truth of the African roots!
Voyagers from Europe claimed this land as their territory
They need to go back and leave this land to its original story
History and Biology proved white race was made, not born
Now check that, not a mystery
Not anti-white, just pro-history
Colonized and invaded for so long
Dressed in delusion, like pathological liars believe they belong
We need our justice of atonement from these wicked Europeans by eviction
Dear America, Indigenous Americans are real people, not historical fiction

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