Identity Is The Value
Identity Is The Value

Identity Is The Value

Sometimes we have to cry it out
A world full of sleeping beauties never woken
With no way out but the Chosen
Let us be the glue for cracks
Never loads on people’s back
Because I had, failed to see those who lacked
Blind to the broken
Heedless of words spoken
Those fortunate bestow token
Lord, show us the hungry to fill their worry
Open our eyes to see cups that are empty
Stretch our hearts to supply genuinely, not cause it’s trendy
Give because you want to
Not cause you have to
Be silent in giving
Not seeking accolades by fishing
Remain present, display support
In sports or even court
Celebrate as self-gain
Renounce thoughts that fuel the heat of pain
Be not like antagonists who provide problems
Use wisdom to console and bring peace to squabbles
Evaluate fairly with quarrels
Stand against the immoral
Value is not a verb—
A noun. Identity; makes one superb
Titles can expire and lose value
A person is timeless read Matthew

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