Hygiene 101
Hygiene 101

Hygiene 101

Prevention is better than cure!


  1. Drink alkaline/spring water daily!

  2. Wash hands before eating, before and after the restroom, and before touching skin or hair! 

  3. Avoid toilet paper; wash or use non-toxic wipes. Wash the private area after urinating and releasing bowel movements. Wash the private area (vulva, not vagina ) with unscented-healthy body wash; use Microfiber/Pima cotton towels; cleanse with a separate towel while showering!

  4. Use natural ingredients for deodorant, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and face+body wash; skin is the door to health! 

  5. Do not wash your hair every day; wrap your hair at night! 

  6. Oil scalp and massage upside down at least 2-3 times a week 

  7. Avoid microwaves; eat clean; grow food or shop at the farmers market; do not eat heavy meals after 7, latest—8 p.m.

  8. Sleep 6-8 hours to maintain good sleep hygiene for balanced hormones! 

  9. Always wear shower shoes in public!

  10. Wash clothes after purchase before wear! 

  11. Use a natural toothbrush (bamboo), toothpaste (fluoride-free), and flosser!

  12. Do not use cotton swabs for ears!

  13. Breakfast or first meal should be savory: concentrated on fiber, protein, and fat; minimal starch, no sweets! 

  14. Eat whole fruits and vegetables daily; increase probiotics and antioxidants! 

  15. Eliminate soda, juice, coffee (if daily), alcohol, and animal/acidic milk (unless necessary)

  16. Refrain from utilizing technology before sleep and first thing in the morning!

  17. Stop placing phone and computer close to face!

  18. Glance 20ft away for 20sec after every 20min screen time!

  19. Refrain from using AirPods/headphones daily!

  20. Rinse your body with cold water, primarily after a workout. 

  21. Shower before bed at night; exclusively use your bed for sleep and keep [inside and outside] clean

  22. Use silk or linen pillowcase sheets! 

  23. Use sunscreen and cease callus removal treatments! 

  24. Take heed of the first five ingredients (dominant) in food and products!

  25. Watch what enters soul gates and cease tolerating toxicity in EVERY form!

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