Evil in Being a Sperm Donor!
Evil in Being a Sperm Donor!

Evil in Being a Sperm Donor!

A subject that demands more reflection,
Desensitized culture regards it as a transaction
Many become sperm donors for financial gain
Overlooking lives rendered with pain
A future of unaware incest is imminent
Blame these impetuous 304s and the mentally incompetent
A body is no longer treasurable, merely used for content
Spreading seeds for money
Atrocious Homosapiens are normalizing the word crazy!

Devaluing human life for marketing
A system indulges in sacrifice for profiting,
Society questions why heinous behavior is skyrocketing
Meanwhile, homes are swimming in dysfunction
Children have arrested development that prevents adulting.

Barren parents raising children without suitable bandwidth
Children shouldn’t come into a world that strips identity for profit
Appropriate roles maybe God never promised
The rebellion of man-caused children to be fostered!

Sperm banks check everything except what’s spiritual
Passing down condemnations from generational ritual
Instead of God’s blessing, some are here through voodoo,
The curse of the barren is one only God can undo

Humans were designed to procreate with patterns;
One needs to check bloodline for why they are barren
Ask God to bless the womb, thus demanding a target
Humanity took what’s sacred and assembled a market
One day they’ll pay back for today’s pocket

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