Evil is people; People are evil
Evil is people; People are evil

Evil is people; People are evil

We all have an adversary
Evil is its name
Hatred is its game
Evil is the absence of love
Evil births hate and instill rage
Evil will be for you in the morning
Turn on you by dinner
Mental illness is what they call it
All they did was intellect to profit
Evil has no favorites
Not one is exempt
Evil has no face
Evil is a spirit
The naked eye can't see it
No flesh can defeat it
Love can dispel it
Fighting with hate will integrate it
Evil shows no partiality
Hates all equally


Me today- You tomorrow!

The evil you give will quickly come knocking home!

Persecution targets the Black race. I refrain from giving power to assassins; my perception is – in the hands of a murderer but the timing of destiny; paradoxically, premature deaths are the world’s misery.

Death is inevitable! Death knows its timing; every heart encounters the pain of death. Every story, written – all die accordingly. All deaths are different; some die tragically, others peacefully, but all eventually. Death is hard to accept, but woefully part of this lifetime. 

As we mourn – it is okay to be weak; God will heal you, and time will ease you! No matter the death, when our time is imminent, we cannot escape. Our system might not justify it, but all participants in time will be indicted, if not in this lifetime, guaranteed in the next. If you are in Christ, no one can take you out until your timing approaches, stop giving power and start comprehending!

Cherish loved ones while they are here; let them go once gone. Evil will not prevail forever – stay lifted and gifted!

    Black Lives Matter🖤

Inspired by the latest, Rest Easy :
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Ezell Ford, Robert L. Fuller, Malcom Harsch, Atatiana Jefferson, Eric Garner, Bianca Roberson, Walter Scott, Michelle Cusseaux, Michael Brown, Kenney Watkins, Laquan McDonald, Trayvon Martin, Kendrick Johnson, Redel Jones, Dreasjon “Sean” Reed, Jordan Edwards, India Kager, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Stephon Clark, Botham Jean, Jamar Clark, Michelle Shirley, Dontre Hamilton, John Crawford III, Dante Parker, Tanisha Anderson, Akai Gurlery, Rumain Brisbon, Jerame Reid, Tony Robison, Phillip White, Eric Harris, Steven Demarco Taylor, Ariane McCree, Terrance Franklin, Miles Hall, Jamee Johnson, Antwon Rose, Yassin Mohamed, Finan H Berhe, Tim Stansbury, Ramarley Graham, Dane Scott, Patrick Dorismond, Wendell Allen, Victor Steen, Kendrec McDade, Kimane Gray, Armand Bennett, Derrick Williams, Ousmane Zongo..

& to all my others, whether public or private

The prayer of the righteous is the most powerful tool! Photo by Samantha Sophia

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