Elevation Requires Isolation To Ground Foundation!
Elevation Requires Isolation To Ground Foundation!

Elevation Requires Isolation To Ground Foundation!

Being alone is not a weakness; needing a soul is!

The fear of loneliness is a universal feeling; many dread thoughts of being alone. Technology has benefits; however, collectively, it has set us back as a nation. Technologies’ current primary influence is on Millennials/Gen Z. The average attention span of a Millennial & Gen Z has descended astronomically compared to former generations.

Moreover, social media plays an immense role in this decline; it has expanded communication opportunities while limiting social skills and genuine connections by occupying the soul of society.

A prime way of this depletion is the attack on individualism; independence has lost meaning in our culture. This generation consists of individuals who squander time by communing for the insignificance of social media [instagram pictures, TikTok, …] or are fascinated with the facade of social media by marinating in the comparison game.

Social media has produced deep insecurities by distorting aplomb; this generation solidifies identity through popularity. These distracted generations will do anything to avoid productive solitude – focusing on growth, healing, and building.

The value of Millenial and Gen Z relies on notoriety, not individuality; dreams and aspirations are motivated by fame and money. Self-worth has redefined its meaning. The value of understanding identity stands discounted; parrots are the favored selection.

The Imposter Culture

Authenticity is foreign in this Age; nationals found comfort in representatives. When we lack a true sense of identity, we tend to live in the shadow of others, sabotaging ourselves and our relationships.

I have had friends who would often complain about a particular individual they were not fond of but continued to associate with – they were either bored, lacked substance/direction, had FOMO tendencies, or feared solitude.

I have watched numerous people struggle mentally and financially and then religiously flex on the gram for likes and shares. Such people have validation and codependency issues – groups who remain in toxic relationships supposing that the absence of a relationship results in loneliness, which oddly [to them] is worse than toxicity.

People with such a mindset believe being alone is worse than tolerating disrespect, cheating, beating, feuding, shouting, and the possibility of dying. Perfect sense? Throw the whole brain away!

A disseminated thinking pattern has polluted humanity. Individuals in this classification have identity issues; unfortunately, they are not enamored with themselves – coveting the dependence and validation of others.

Nevertheless, this is not to denigrate nor be insensitive to those with tragic upbringings that altered their identities or unhealthy habits. Conclusively, I’m highlighting areas needing focus versus collectively what societies focus on.

Finding Identity In Others

People are not solutions [unless in elimination] to our problems – most romantic relationships involve insecure individuals seeking titles to fill a void. 

Avoid such toxic people, so avoid yourself or dating in LA… I’m fooling.

Insecurities are self-destructive – steering individuals to tolerate disrespectful and lethal relationships, thus blinding and robbing them of worth and value. People get hurt in relationships when their partner’s validations define them. Breakups become detrimental because one wrapped identity in the hands of another, driving them to fall apart when their mate departs – rooted in the lack of independence, self-worth, and value.

Society has deceived men and women into believing marriage is a degree they must quickly obtain; this toxic mentality rushes many to settle for less and commit to the wrong companionship. Love is organic and should be embraced naturally, not through arrangements or environmental pressures.

If you retain sabotaging insecurities – the last thing you need is a relationship; thug it out, be frank, and eradicate the root of the problem instead of seeking a temporary bandage that causes deeper wounds.


Solitude is powerful; it aids in recognizing who we are. Essentially, we must be candid with ourselves: the cute, the ugly, and the corny.

In truth – we grow and mature, our perspective widens, and our understanding broadens. Our patience will increase, and our rage will decrease.

Once we subjugate individualism, we stabilize identity, a house built on rocks – no wind can knock us down. Health blossoms holistically: mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Identity compels the disclosure of purpose. Discerning strengths and weaknesses instructs us to function fruitfully.

Spend time alone and make it regular; eat, walk on the beach (no music), write, think, read, exercise, and be still. Creative juice will activate; true confidence will flourish!

Trust – it is liberating to spend time alone. This act roots independence, confidence, and self-growth that we all must acquire.


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