Desensitized, Broken, Ruthless
Desensitized, Broken, Ruthless

Desensitized, Broken, Ruthless

Respect faces 💔

One circumstance away from losing it all
Need a home for a job
A job for a home
Immoral society
Structure of wicked throne
Get a job, they utter
Turned down applications in the name of presentability
Live on the street still expected to look chic
Judge them solely on their look
No idea what’s inside their book
Where is the heart of society?
Has money inured the heart into insanity
Imagine their shame, asking for money from foot traffic daily
Desensitized to their position, we neglect their pain regrettably
These are humans just like us
Mirrors reflect a clan of heartless monsters
Throwing a bill or two does not change their position
Walk away head high like we provided a world solution
Most heartbreaking about humanity
Hearing broken stories
Crying hopelessly like babies
Shift attention to something else
Making sympathy merely a moment, nothing else
Leaving the shattered in heartache
Forgotten, enjoy our life cake
If only empathy could fill the empty
If only our cries would accompany the lonely
If only humility marked all community
No one would be lonely; prosperous through unity
We have to be more than our sympathy
Need life behind what eyes can see
Oh God, I wish I could stop all hunger
I pray to give them shelter
Lord, please turn our cries into fountains for peers
Only crying in memory; for them, it feels like destiny
I stop here; this pain is too heavy 

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