Delusion Is Not A New Vision
Delusion Is Not A New Vision

Delusion Is Not A New Vision

Delusion Is Not A New Vision Delusion Is Not A New Vision
Conditioned to fear the spirit of demons
Luke 10:19 says, we! were given dominion
Tell me why we bow to unauthorized civilians
I say civilian cause they enter the body of man to have dominion
The agreement of man in a state of communion
When will the church teach authority
When will the church change the subject of prosperity
The first colonization was not on color,
It was the invasion of fallen angels that colonized human prosper
When man rejects God – they authorize and empower the enemy
Principalities and legalities are wiping humanity
Man believes rejecting God hurts Him
A foolish mentality draws fate, condemns, then buries them
Rejecting the hand that feeds, keeps, and protects them
To form an agreement with all those who deceive and abhor them
How can you win a battle when you side with your enemy
How can one walk in freedom without the revelation of identity
Sound doctrine stands rejected!
Iā€™m not surprised; 2 Timothy 4 scribed and prophesied to keep man directed
Adam lost dominion when he sinned
How much more shall we lose since evil is the prevailing wind
Tolerating wicked doctrine in the name of progression
In a world where an eight years old confusion is leaving an impression
Alphabet mafia becoming a dictatorial machine
Better read the scriptures before they wipe them clean!!
A heart that seeks truth will stand when convicted
A heart that seeks feelings will fall when corrected

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