

Attention from her flock made her jump to conclusion 
Everyone obsessed with me,
She utters,
Babygirl bathes in delusion,
Feeding herself the steak of confusion

Easy on the eye,
Mixed with bitterness,
When they tell her the truth
Dismisses facts in Leviticus
Sluggish, detest accountability
To remove broken glasses 
Has to face responsibility 
Runs into problems,
Circumvent to solutions,
Self-respect can heal her,
Attached deeply to illusions,
Paints her portraits as the victim,
Discerning is her weakness, 
Two left feet in rhythm

Her identity is being cute,
She would have longevity 
If only, if only, she was mute.

She calls desperation loyalty,
Healthy boundaries spike her anxiety,
Compulsive attachments are killing her quietly,
Interprets singular gestures as a symphony

Instead of learning lessons 
Craved to change her sexual orientation 
Numerous in that pool;
Identical to such fixation
Unhealed pains, 
Merges in one lane around the nation

Her mouth is disrespectful,
Refuse to accept it 
Placing trauma on others’ mental,
No one else is obligated to fix it

Self-concept can usher integrity 
Busy in insecurity, ego-circling perplexity
Fueled to prove a point, thus chases celebrity
Imposter in the passenger driving pretentiously

Tired of her pains, 
Not done with mistakes
Until the two sink in
Will sleep with an evil face

Change is not linear,
Pain does not have to be,
She keeps choosing the familiar 
Self-worth would have to flee

A weak vessel is complacent;
Reprimanded by feelings 
Development or lack thereof;
Plateau and vacant in healings 
Honesty destroy duplicity 
Cognizance restores every city
Must be deliberate in mercy 
One person, one focus 
Many carry a similar story

Confirmation bias changed her last name
Blind alliances crafted her mass fame

She is human; never take her for granted
All have areas,
Where sentencing gets handed
Give grace in disagreements,
Merely how her plane landed
Hope is in the lungs,
Never too late to be rebranded

New ones are rising
Celebrating delusion,
To evade losing
Disregarding other’s volition
Grandiose delusion in cognition
Children, the weight of our future,
Shortly, a subject in institutions

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