Blind Mind Is The Villain!
Blind Mind Is The Villain!

Blind Mind Is The Villain!

Took Christ out of Christmas
Cut trees from the wilderness
St. Nick is acknowledged
Christ is the default for advantage
Nick gave gifts to the children
Jesus laid His life defeating the villain
A universal holiday collecting billions
Indoctrinating kids to accept lies
Disregarding the hard work in family ties
Feeding a demented fantasy;
Grow up expecting fairytales detached from reality
A full day though souls are empty
Intentions never centered around the concept of family;
Merely capitalism beguiling humanity
Gifting those with crowns
Neglecting those who’ve drowned
Pockets empty, tithing corporate who’s hungry
Darkness is not indicative of time; the blind mind controls crime
Being woke is not an expression
It’s a revelation that resists transgression
Truth cannot be subjective;
Only objective answers conducive questions

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