Being A Christian Is Bliss
Being A Christian Is Bliss

Being A Christian Is Bliss

From the outside looking in, I passed judgment
I disassociated; I supposed it was an arrangement
Quite arrogant β€”
Despised conviction and Holy environment
Zero interest in keeping commandments
Blessed, His hands took me in
No need for knocking – invitation ushered in.

Being a Christian is so much fun,
I have a personal life helper
Divine love and eternal shelter
I know the source of resources
He calls my name and rebukes immoral forces
No matter what I face, I have peace
I can never be alone; I have His ears
Joyful every morning, He renewals my cheers
Have the comfort of being weak; He becomes my battle spears

Fun does not mean easy,
It intensifies character though peace is freely
Fear of death dissipates
Transition, the mate that communicates
Flesh to dust; soul ascends to the house of Him who enumerates
Destiny sealed; finally wonβ€”
Hell lost another one
Another win for Jesus, God’s only son

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