Bad Habits And Patterns
Bad Habits And Patterns

Bad Habits And Patterns

Bad Habits and Patterns Bad Habits and Patterns
Put the AirPods away,

Don’t be deaf once you’ve seasoned
Take a break from social media and phones,
Don’t lose vision once you’ve seasoned
Stretch and exercise,
Don’t be weak once you’ve seasoned
Take a break from typing,
You’ll appreciate motor control once you’ve seasoned
Don’t lift weights invariably,
Joints will tell you why once you’ve seasoned
Limit sweets and salt,
You’ll become intolerant once you’ve seasoned
Be careful what you let in,
You’ll regret it once you’ve seasoned
Don’t conform to social status,
You’ll lose yourself once you’ve seasoned
Fast religiously,
You’ll thank your health once you’ve seasoned
Stand on God’s principles,
You’ll leave with integrity once you’ve seasoned
Avoid temperamental ways,
You’ll cherish peace once you’ve seasoned
Always be a student,
You’ll grade yourself once you’ve seasoned
Be generous to those who lack,
You’ll be satisfied once you’ve seasoned
Value yourself, not titles,
You’ll be content once you’ve seasoned
Divorce the notion of needing to be understood
Humans are narrow-minded; even the seasoned
Respect your body,
You’ll reap the treasures in seasons
Use wisdom, not feelings for decisions,
You’ll be the model once you’ve seasoned
Honor your roles in every season,
You’ll understand why once you’ve seasoned


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