Backdoor Deals
Backdoor Deals

Backdoor Deals

Paparazzi paid behind pics
Celebrities stage plot flicks
Algorithm promotes prized tricks
Civilization regressed to human scripts

Authenticity on a Lonely Island
Clones have saturated Hollywood and Highland
Hour rental of private plane and diamonds
Contrived narratives inspire designers
Radio plays cut percentage
Television ratings regard advantage

Open legs employed at poker games
Living a luxurious lifestyle from massage and brains
Nepotism plus negativity has preeminence
Litigation, an ally, camouflages illicit evidence
Identity marketed on every platform
Performative culture is rehearsing for popcorn
Individuality has left the brainstorm
Creativity incessantly mourned as stillborn

Technology, an undiagnosed addiction
5g burning, severing encryption
Consumers hire the senseless for groundwork
Viewers obliterate brain cells digesting from Networks
Sex escapades get booked and paid
Raw talents are exploited and drained
Jaded with substance,
Enkindled by costumes and injustice

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