B⁴ It’s too late
B⁴ It’s too late

B⁴ It’s too late

 B⁴ It’s too late! B⁴ It’s too late!

Count the days
No matter where you go
Our nature is the same
Regardless of the barriers
We exercise blame
Despite the carriers
There’s no way around hate
Different temperament
Alike in many ways
Strive for independence
Reckless actions get charged a sentence
Do we condemn the raising
Or indict the environment
Excused behavior afflicts danger
Now lives are taken
Should’ve questioned when it was baking
Are we blind, so forsaken
Intentions were good
We enabled the snake
Actions grant reactions
Death calls your name
Robbed, killed, and assaulted
People chanting your name as if you’ve exalted
Even proclaim you ascended
Lived a life of degradation
Heart refused to meek
Penitentiary morphed you every week
Life gave you a pace
Turned your face, chose the wicked race
The day is imminent
In your silence
Pray you questioned your place
No matter what they say
You will feel the replay
As the book closes
Chapters erase
Life judged in phase
In your final stage
Pray you left with grace
In the name of love
They put wings on you
Utter blessings and declare accession
Can’t live like Hell;
Then expect to rest in Heaven

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