

Millionaires buying second-home penthouses
While the streets are full of people without houses
Billionaires purchasing a pied-à-Terre
Families and children living in a cruel world where no one care
Leaving units empty for investment
Abandoned homes for endorsement
How evil can one be?
Apprehending the poison of greed and money
Money is a necessity
It shouldn’t dictate humility
Soulless beings in buildings;
Soulless hearts gather in meetings
Buildings remain off-market; earmarked for income pocket
Empty houses like a purchase of bubble gum
Society deems the view of tall buildings as luxury
Bamboozled minds subscribe to this mentality
Everyone is on a spectrum of selfish
Clans as unconventional as the Amish
The astronomical decline of creativity;
Has negated the human mind from morality

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