

Garden of Eden
Mother of man-kind
Your people are beautiful
Land is plentiful
Mother of resources
From the beginning, God laid you as the foundation
Before I transition
I hope to see your redemption
Continent, uprising
Countries, aligning
Mutual compromise
Pray for my people to a-waken
Divorce white acceptance
Acknowledge substance to claim inheritance
God blessed our land acutely
Agriculture rains profusely
But my people are starving
Ignorance is perpetually dividing
Instead of unity,
Pluck out their kind enabling cruelty

Tribalism is eradicating freedom;
Have to join forces for a United Kingdom
Division is killing our army
Empty hands going to war privileging our enemy
Who shall defend us?
Africa, you annihilated your beauty––
Your heart dried the crops but increased ground duty
Handed foes a land of sovereignty

Hip-hop was art for liberation;
Today the genre obstructs its community with encantation of depression
Instead of an expression, it became global oppression
Music today is twerking and self-degradation
If we asked Sarah Baartman, she’d renounce twerking in all notion
Godmother of stripping; coerced––was never her vision
White slave masters pimped her for entertainment
Today her daughters are embracing her torment

Product of deception; wicked but a common strategy
Cracked doors subdued the community
No law can transform the mind
Only wisdom loosens bind
Alkebulan is full of exceptional beauty;
Has the potential to lead the world,
But stuck repeating elementary!

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