Letter To My King: Ways Of The World
Letter To My King: Ways Of The World

Letter To My King: Ways Of The World

Lord, is there another planet to live in
One satisfying
Getting tired of the lies here
Never seeing its hype endear
Its deeds are evil
A place where the veils torn
A land of truth
People of integrity—
Meek and loving
Where humility pays;
Your light rays;
Individuality praised
Many are blind here
The intelligent being most ignorant
A lack of knowledge – is celebrated
Use the mind you created to deny you
Use man-taught intelligence to define you
Argue we existed from nothing
The foundation you laid redefined here
Took you out of marriage now divorce is common
Eliminated from school; hate is prospering
Demonized your foundation, no land to stand-in
Asserting science to deny your hands
Only a fool could understand science and deny your plans
Incapable of justifying their knowledge
Rejecting what you say
Follow man’s way
While the devil sets to prey

Glorify sex and complain about love,
No mind dwells here
I see a bunch of sheep—
With a shepherd whose lost
I was in that mud till you took me out
I can’t eat at any table;
Or watch any cable;
Or participate in all that’s able
Poison people through pleasure
Got them worshiping celebrities
While denying a timeless,
Transcendent King
Women acting like men
Men identifying as women
Serving confusion
Consuming delusion
Claiming they woke but hinged with ropes
How they swear to know truth but don’t know you
Leading with self-pleasing interest;
Contradicting beliefs rooted in weakness
Utilizing what you laid to fight against your purpose
When we stand in your truth – we’re demonized
If we promote wickedness – we’re glorified

Everyone is one here,
Hate purity,
Fault it as prudency
Hoes they glorify;
Children are neglected and not selected
Instead of closing their legs, the innocent get aborted.

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