A New Wave Of Spirituality
A New Wave Of Spirituality

A New Wave Of Spirituality

Declare to be spiritual but deny God?
That ain’t spiritual, babe;
Derange, delusional
To justify shortcomings became spiritual
Reading tarot cards to be influential
Lacking credibility joined the intellectual juveniles,
Sit down somewhere; reevaluate; it’s okay to be convicted
Accept broken pieces, heal, or be committed
Spirituality ain’t an exit from reality—
A foundation that knits humanity

Lack of accountability is the new wave of spirituality
Short-term gratification hinders legacy
False belief in light workers is polluting destiny
Denying vices is building a wall of discrepancy

Conforming to higher self rhetoric,
While familiar spirits wipe them clean like a dish
Visit mediums and go back home with demons to make a wish
Close eyes, tortured by demons; call it sleep paralysis
They need deliverance, not a medical analysis

Having co-signers does not change the nature of deception
Lucifer had armies; he still lost at the resurrection!
Spirituality became a trend for victim cries
Many are dependent on spiritual “guides,”
Who guides the spiritual guides?
Simple logic would say to follow the source of guides,
Too reasonable, only accept what suits their vibes
They can’t see these spiritual liars but believe them
Physically can’t see God but rather burn in hell than receive him
Do yo thang, ain’t a forceful gain;
Hold the same role before him, O, and don’t complain!

Everybody is a philosopher against objective truth,
All become a child of God when agony hits the tooth
Spirituality is not a tunnel to hide in
Ancestral spirits are demonic, not ones to confide in
This generation gives platforms for mediums
The previous generation had no tolerance for idiots
Today, wicked spirits have become front-center comedians

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