When God calls me home
Don’t ache for my absence
Delight in the Lord
Finally, in his presence
Don’t compare how I left
Far better where I rest
Trust in the Lord
I’m well in His promise
As my flesh decayed
My soul ascended
Accompanied by angels
To my redeemer, I exalted
Fear not the first death
The following is eternal
Commence in the Lord
Salvation is universal
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Our foundation reversal

Once present with my King
Donate my organs to peers
My soul no longer attached
Let it be serving to bring cheers

Jehovah, the core of my legacy
A vessel that failed countless times and kept by mercy
Seek the God of scripture
He removes the pain of agony
Until last breath
You have time but hurry
Not your best life;
A Glimpse into Immortality
Live in God’s pleasure
Acquire a surge of clever
Reap the heavenly
Receive abundantly

Celebrate my life
I dwelled in His glory
Don’t try to contact me;
Inaccessible, relishing His sanctuary
Never believe mediums––
They are products of familiar spirits who are devious
Start doubting doubts;
Seek clarity
You are a created being
There must be one outside you
Pray over your gates
The demise is beyond you
Subjective morality is a distorted reasoning
If we lived by our standards
Unable to live cooperatively, positioning
The devil is cunning;
Been managing Disney
Appears innocent, masks magnificently
Polluting humanity;
Feeds a fantasy
Morphing into insanity
Walk vigilant
Decipher discernment
Revert to the Bible
Remember whose perfect
We live in a spiritual world;
The tangible is a supplement
Be careful who you connect to
Only One spirit is Holy
Spirituality outside of God
Building a house with ravioli
Interacting with the occult
Drinking false prosperity
Witchcraft is not light
Never a path of victory
Possessed by demons
Open spirits to heathens
Those who object, cool; enjoy wicked treatments
Abstain from idolizing
The word is clear
My pivot point wasn’t monetary
It was my alignment with liberty
Freedom in Jesus
Hold dear to Him strictly
The walk is challenging
His yolk is easy
Will have weak days
Rest assured of worthy
Meditate on His word
Bask in His presence in the journey
Be honest with the Lord
Lay your burdens at His door
Enjoy isolation
Spend time with Him wholly.
The world is pleasing;
In things that demise you
Jesus is pleasing;
In all that ignites you!
He is a choice
No one should force you
I long to hear His pleasure
Once kneeled by His throne
Good and faithful servant
Will ring my ever soul
To my Jesus who took my place,
Thank you is displeasure
No words created
To utter such honor!
May His hand grace you!
Life without God is breath without air
Those who pick that demise
Chose interminable despair
True Christianity is not for the weak;
Harder every week
But Jesus is with them
In Him, their battles are meek
All, tested
Some prosecuted,
Even persecuted,
Gaze at heaven,
Pays to be consecrated
Remember to fast
Or know you won’t last
Trust in Jesus to surpass.
The world hates you not
They hate what’s inside you
Peep how they welcome all religion
Except for the one that carries conviction!
Jesus is the truth!
Fight the good fight!
Do nothing without God!
The Holy Spirit is with you!
Angels surround you
Be not dismayed
The blood of Yeshua seals you
We are children of the victorious
Real Christians never die
We multiply in Him-who is Glorious!


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