Be Bold, Never Fold, Question The Told
Be Bold, Never Fold, Question The Told

Be Bold, Never Fold, Question The Told

Imma say it for you
Before you form that thought
I’m an unpopular opinion
Not phased by views,
Or the society I live in
One might not like me,
That’s cool – trust me,
Abhor reproof
So what I say will rub them wrong
Not built for truth,
Or a person to tell them they’re wrong
To deny the truth
They alienate the advocate
Chasing what’s popular
Controlled by the monitor
Living for agreements
While grounding in forfeits
When mouthing God’s truth
They’ll say I’m an extremist
Say I side with their goons
Praised like an elitist
Not with the alt-right
Standing separate in all white
No red pill in my system
Embedded with His kingdom
Egotistical spirituality ain’t my symptom
That satanic society made them a victim
Their identity is their assets,
Not their mind nor their heart nest
On the gram, their substance is their turnaround
Then wonder why a nigga pays no round
They attract straight dogs
Then get mad when they flee
They can’t stand ten toes
Cus friends haul them down
They stay on the ground,
Mold with what’s told
Our ancestors made history,
When they resisted the fold
We got a cancel culture,
And they’re cancelling the bold

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