Precious Children
Precious Children

Precious Children

Children, take your time
Enjoy childhood; everything seems world-ending,
Personal life is virtually rewarding
Pursue nothing as self-development
Relationships cool,
Outside of respect and substance, merely irrelevant
Be wise,
Adhere to the counsel of parents,
Appear rigid and controlling,
As you age, you’ll understand with confidence
Not all parents are healthy,
I pray yours are free from abandonment,
The title of parents does not extract humanity
Have mercy on your loved ones,
We’re all building our history

Patience is a hard lesson;
Master it,
Enjoy life,
Discern rooms of cockpit
The world system is corrupt
Programmed misconception,
Evil is labeled good,
Good is condemned to hate
Resist the urge to conform,
Repudiate compromising bait
As time passes, expect standby
Everyone has a victim page
Everyone has an antagonist stage
Remember to create,
Prioritize Biblical faith.

School is cool;
Heretofore failed to define you
Take breaks from technology
Aplombย is necessary
No human is perfect,
Satisfaction is not monetary
Question everything,
Refrain from people-pleasing
Being nice does not mean decreasing
Love thyself,
Learn yourself,
Respect your health
Love protects, protect oneself

I pray love surrounds you!
Embrace solitude,
Maintain gratitude
Self-control is power
Examine attitude

Small years
Sweet Children,
Be not one with pain
Unhealed shoes dictate emotional magnitude
Be wise with choices; it shapes you
Be a child; I pray they keep their problems behind you!
Laugh a lot; be active
Share emotions with someone you trust
Take heed; bad habits ground like a carpet
You are valued,
If you learn from your mistakes, every fall is behind you!

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