3 Essential Steps for Healthy Skin
3 Essential Steps for Healthy Skin

3 Essential Steps for Healthy Skin

I. Drink water!            
Unhealthy drinks = sugar, artificial flavors/colors, additives, preservatives, and hormones
3 Essential Steps for Healthy Skin

II. Eat clean! 
Avoid processed/frozen food, increase greens, eliminate animal/acidic dairy, and only eat what has life; No seed – No need!     

III. Sleep six to eight hours every night!                                                   

 Sleep influences hormones. Balance is key!

3 Essential Steps for Healthy Skin  

Lethal chemicals affect health and reflect on the skin! This earth is our blessing; eat what it grows, not what man controls.

Infrequently consume what you enjoy; [if––you must] however, ensure once in a while does not transition into every day. Eat whole fruits and vegetables (raw); do not drink them! Drink (ask your Doctor) Apple Cider Vinegar daily. Take heed of the first five ingredients (dominant) in food, drinks, and products!

Drink or Eat Raw Carrots!

Carrots are rich in vitamins and essential for healthy skin. Limit intake; high beta carotene can lead to other health problems and change skin into a yellow/orange color.

Time to debunk my favorite lies: “Dr said it is unpreventable, it’s in our genes, it’s hereditary,” Yes, this has some truth; for instance – diabetes can be hereditary; a generational cycle; however, the root is in individual wills that need BREAKING

They don’t mention that part, do they? Of course not; pharmaceuticals stay plunging pockets — that’s a different topic.

Generational Cycle 

Cycles persist until broken; what’s hereditary is the poor choices and habits bloodlines perpetuate – generating all types of diseases, not the disease.

Break negative habits concerning health and pass them down to a thousand generations. It will be easier once wisdom, discipline, and self-control are implemented.

Moreover – clever choices decrease unnecessary financial liabilities, eliminate lies that squeeze your pockets [ products, cover-ups, procedures…], and add more baggage, hence “side effects.” 

Indisputably, spending money on water, fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, and natural foods is inevitable; nevertheless, these choices are worth your coins! If your money is funny, no shame – Do what you can to support a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a budget and making drinking vinegar or lemon water a daily (frequent) habit.

What Goes In Shines Out

Refrain from using immense products on hair, face, or body; ensure products do not contain harsh chemicals such as parabens, aluminum, artificial fragrance, phthalates, polyethylene glycol (PEG), sulfates, diethanolamine, etc.

Harsh chemicals affect deeper than the skin, entering through the skin and causing health intricacies. Less ingredient is ideal unless it’s healthy ingredients. Make water your best friend!

Additionally, (advise a doctor first; every health is different) we need to give our body a day or two [or more] of alkaline water fasting, allowing it to dispose of toxins. Glass bottles preferably or BPA-free water bottles.

Balance is Key!

During liquid fasting, decrease intake of citrus/acidic-forming fruits and drinks; consume more raw non-acidic green fruits and vegetables – too much acid could lead to stomach aches and other health problems.

Manage everything with balance; everything excessive will have side effects and become harmful. If you are battling stress, increase magnesium and calcium intake! 

Rest your body, mind, and soul; sleep is essential to health. Consistency is critical. Incorporate all three steps: water, food, and sleep; it is foolish to practice these lifestyle choices halfway (no diet) and then complain about the lack of results. Stop freely giving your coins and invest in what naturally works!

Avoid GMO, MSG, BPA, Gluten(varies), Additives, Preservatives, Sugar, Artificial Flavors, Processed food, Food Dyes, Acidic Foods/Vegetables, Frozen food, & Vegetable-Corn-Canola-Soybean oil.  

Living healthy = looking healthy <> Healthy skin = Clearskin  

Harmful chemicals are lethal to your health; toxic people are just as deadly – eliminate both permanently!

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