🥂Chapter 22🥂
🥂Chapter 22🥂

🥂Chapter 22🥂

🥂Chapter 22🥂 🥂Chapter 22🥂

The year that changed my view
Propelled to spit and chew
By thrust, drove, and grew
Stripped and stretched in capacity
Endurance, patience, and tenacity

Like grapes, heavily pressed;
Agitation varied; perspective confirmed me blessed!
Two feet in sand print
God carried me, my wholesome fine print
Amid the confusion, provided irrefutable promises
Sight challenged, hope trespassed lies from all premises.

Consecrated; in a fresh wineskin
Joined, permanently, Fathers kin
High-hanging fruit
Ascended, reached new levels of altitude
Encountered depth never thought was possible
Impossible never meant unstoppable

His Love is innumerable,
To Jesus be the glory
Without my Lord, I’d have no story
Not a resolution cliche
Potters hand designs the clay

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